Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 3 - Marty

I'm keeping this entry short and sweet, it's past my bed time ;)

My day started off amazing.  Lorelai was being very sweet and loving and asked that we started our day off with a a big family hug.  It's really was a moment of this is why I want to do this so I can start every day  off with a big family hug (same size hug smaller waisted family).
I got up at 4:15 did a work out at home since the access card issue hasn't been resolved.  I did the 40 minute work out on wii EA Active… which may sound super easy but... it's not when you haven't worked out in a while.  I felt like it gave me a pretty decent work out.
Then I had my shake for breakfast on my way to work, grapes for a early morning snack… too busy for my lunchtime shake but had a small slice of cheese and two whole wheat crackers in the late afternoon just so I would have something in my tummy and not be starved by the time I get home.
Leftovers for dinner but stuck to the small portions.
Drank all my water today.. yipeee!!!

Thank you Jami for this awesome idea I think it's really going to help.

Also, thank you to our friends who are following and supporting us and helping us stay on track.

Nighty Night!
The Littlest Inspiration - Coach LL

1 comment:

  1. That is one awesome cheerleader!! Stay with it mom, it gets easier, I promise!
