Monday, May 9, 2011

Manic Monday

Wilco was amazing last night!! It was my first time to see them live, Cain's was packed, and I was with my brother. GREAT NIGHT!!

Great nights are often followed by a long day when you are an adult, boo!! Add a late night to a broken air conditioner, Monday in general and problem city in dental world.

Cody worked all weekend, so I did not get to try any recipes. However, Sammie has my inbox full of recipes to try. I'll do my best. I did cook yesterday before the concert. Home style tacos!

I'm so proud of my couch to 5K class. We started week 5 today, everyone did so well. All my participants are still coming and giving it their best.

I'll be staying home more this week and cooking, I promise to get some recipes up soon. Today I did start my diet off well. GT/PS/B, yogurt and apple for a snack, salad for lunch. I have to stay out of Sammie drawers this week, he he!! Bombed dinner when I ate at the Brook w/ my parents. Tomorrow is a new day!