Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2 Disaster - Marty

Thank sweet baby Jesus in the manager with a tuxedo shirt on today is over!!
Let's just about how life wanted to mess with me today…
I woke up early to go to the gym… WOOOOOOOOOO!!!
My access card at the gym didn't work….. FAIL!!
Decided to turn a negative into a positive, went home and started to walk around the neighborhood… Wooooo!!!
It was so cold I  started to freeze so bad i thought i was going to die…. FAIL!!
Remembered to bring my walking shoes to work for on my lunch break… Wooo!!
Was so busy I didn't get to take a lunch… FAIL!!
It was crazy party day at my work a birthday party and a employee recognition (woo for Adrienne!) watched my portions… Woo!
Ate a cake ball… FAIL!

Thankfully, Billy was nice enough to make dinner while LL and I were at Jazzybugs.  We are still trying to use up all the groceries in our house since we are on a financial freeze.  Which means for now i'm really trying to work on portion control instead of really modifying what I eat and I passed that tonight.

Billy made a meatless Ziti with whole wheat pasta and reduced fat cheese.  It was super yummy and I used a little plate to keep my portion size down… so Wooo!

Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to rock it out maybe like a rock lobster???
Oh, and I also had to do a class project for LL coming up with things that start with the letter L and let me just tell you I'm now in love with lobster dog!!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO!! Your post just kicked my post's tooshkus!! Don't be sad about your cakeball, life is no good without them. Tomorrow will be better, I know it. At least you did not leave your grad school books at home . . . how did they let me through college the first time? FAIL!
