Friday, March 11, 2011

Marty Walton - Human Disaster

Okay, so the title of this blog isn't really that funny given the current state of things however... for those of you who watch Parks and Rec (one of my fav shows ever) the past two weeks have been much like that of Ben Wyatt unraveling in front of all of Pawnee. 
I've been so out of whack lately with a lot of things in my life so I'm definitely in need of some recommitment and I'm super excited that my personal motivator, Jami is coming in town to kick my butt.  
I've been really sick lately with bronchial issues so my plans to start couch to 5k with my running buddy Lisa had been foiled.  However, Sunday I'll jump back on that horse and hopefully be ready for the Memorial 5K 
Eating has been somewhat okay.  I've been so busy at work I've been skipping lunch which isn't great but at least it's less calories then choosing something fast and quick and bad for me.  However, I will say i do have a mild obsession with a certain girl scout cookie and Samoa is her name... yummy yummy yummy but not good for the weight loss.  Did you know 2 (2 tiny tiny) cookies have 140 calories, and 7 grams of fat! Two cookies!!! I could have 3 cups of yummy delish halved fresh strawberries for 146 calories and 1.4 grams of fat totally would have been the better choice. 
I have been watching my portions of what I eat so that is going well.  I've also been trying to drink all of my water for the day.
So, while i have fallen of the wagon it wasn't a totally bomb rolling dive off the wagon into a pile of mud. 
I'm really going to work on making choices that are better for me for the right reason. Like, yea right now I could go out to the vending machine and get myself some super yummo junior mints and it might make me feel happy in that second to make that choice but wouldn't I be happier in a couple of months when I've shed some pounds and I'm much happier with my life and the way I look?? I think so, and because of that I'm off to go get some celery to snack on.

Thank you everyone for your support and for understanding my humanity and falling off the wagon so early.... but I'm back baby dolls.

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